White House Recognizes National Elder Abuse Day
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day was held on June 15 in an effort to recognize the both the growing elder abuse problem here in the United States and around the globe.
The White House will also be sponsoring a Conference on Aging on July 13. Elder abuse is one of the Conference’s major priorities. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that four to six percent of the world’s adults over the age of 60 have experienced some form of abuse during the past month, translating to roughly 36 million people. This includes physical and emotional abuse, as well as financial exploitation and incidents of abuse that are more likely to occur in nursing homes and assisted-living facilities. Lower standards of care, opportunistic and poorly trained staff and anti-patient policies are only a few of the causes of this widespread problem.
It’s one thing to think about these statistics as a world wide problem and an abstract number; it’s quite another to experience it yourself. The families of elder abuse victims, often experience feelings of powerlessness and confusion at the idea of their loved one’s dignity and safety being violated. An experienced elder abuse attorney can help you hold the abuser accountable and seek damages to help you take that power back. Pursuing legal action against negligent nursing homes, assisted living facilities, memory care units and other abusive care organizations whenever possible is an important way to stop elder abuse for once and for all.
If your elderly loved one has been injured due to the negligence or abuse of nursing home or assisted living facility staff, or abuse by other residents, contact a skilled and compassionate nursing home abuse lawyer who will fight for your family. Call the Sugarman Law today for a free consultation about your case.