10 Aug 2015
The number of people who die each year due to hospital negligence is staggering. A widely accepted study estimates 98,000 people are taken this way with more recent numbers indicating as many as 445,000. Neither number is acceptable and we know that many of these deaths are completely avoidable. While [..]
4 Mar 2015
Elder abuse is shockingly common and is increasingly prevalent in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities. When you decide to put your mom or dad or grandparent into a nursing home, we know that you aren’t taking the decision lightly. You want the very best care for your elderly [..]
17 Feb 2015
If medical errors were classified as a disease, it would be the sixth leading cause of death. Some reports rank this as high as number three. The US Department of Health and Human Services unveiled the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act in 2005 in an attempt to curtail the [..]
11 Feb 2015
Emotional Abuse of the Elderly…It’s Real, It Hurts, and It’s Potentially Fatal! When I speak with clients and community groups about nursing home abuse, the first thing they mention is rough treatment and physical signs of abuse that leave visible bruises. They are right, but there’s more to it than [..]
6 Feb 2015
We like to think that our local hospitals are a safe place to when we or our family and friends need care. This is doubly true if the person who needs treatment suffers from a severe mental illness. Though we live in a country that offers top of the line [..]
Winning Results
against a nursing home for the choking death of a resident
against an assisted living facility for injury and wrongful death of a resident
against a Middlesex County nursing home for a resident’s pressure ulcers and wrongful death
settlement for workers with mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis caused by asbestos in the workplace