7 Mar 2014
The Inspector General of the United States Department of Health and Human Services just released a Congressionally mandated “national report on nursing homes” identifying the incidence rate of “adverse events,” harm resulting from medical care, in skilled nursing facilities. The purpose of the report was to “identify adverse events, determine [..]
6 Mar 2014
Each year U.S. News & World Report publishes an annual ranking of nursing homes across the country. While plenty of New Jersey nursing homes ranked near the top for quality of care, too many ranked towards the bottom. According to the report, approximately 33 nursing homes in New Jersey received [..]
28 Feb 2014
Sugarman Law is proud to announce that Barry R. Sugarman has been selected and named to the 2014 Best Lawyers in America listing. Best Lawyers is the oldest and most highly-respected peer review guide to the legal profession worldwide. It includes lists of peer-recommended lawyers by individual, firm, practice area, [..]
20 Feb 2014
Alarms blared for over two hours at Medford Multicare Center in Long Island as resident Aurelia Rios, left unattended in her room, slowly suffocated waiting for help. By the time a staff member finally came to Mrs. Rios’ room, she had already stopped breathing. Mrs. Rios was admitted to Medford [..]
7 Feb 2014
Almost 30 years ago President Reagan uttered the old Russian saying: “Trust But Verify” in addressing important national security issues. Never were truer words spoken when it comes to protecting our family, friends and loved ones in nursing homes. New technology, “Granny Cams” placed in a resident’s room, can help [..]
Winning Results
against a nursing home for the choking death of a resident
against an assisted living facility for injury and wrongful death of a resident
against a Middlesex County nursing home for a resident’s pressure ulcers and wrongful death
settlement for workers with mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis caused by asbestos in the workplace