11 Feb 2015
Emotional Abuse of the Elderly…It’s Real, It Hurts, and It’s Potentially Fatal! When I speak with clients and community groups about nursing home abuse, the first thing they mention is rough treatment and physical signs of abuse that leave visible bruises. They are right, but there’s more to it than [..]
9 Feb 2015
When medical mistakes happen in hospitals, the results can be disastrous. And, the numbers are steadily rising. Consider that the last time the Institute of Medicine issued a report cataloguing medical errors (1999), it estimated that around 100,000 people die each year after they’ve been the victim of a medical [..]
6 Feb 2015
We like to think that our local hospitals are a safe place to when we or our family and friends need care. This is doubly true if the person who needs treatment suffers from a severe mental illness. Though we live in a country that offers top of the line [..]
28 Jan 2015
You did your due diligence and chose a nursing home that you believe will provide care and comfort for your mother, father or elderly relative. You’ve done your research and have every reason to trust that the staff will do what they promised to do. How can you be sure [..]
21 Jan 2015
Sugarman Law is proud to announce that Barry R. Sugarman presented a lecture to New Jersey trial attorneys at New Jersey Association for Justice (NJAJ) Meadowlands Seminar. Sugarman provided instruction and practical guidance in “Understanding New Jersey’s Nursing Home Act.” Sugarman Law focuses on representing the elderly and their families [..]
Winning Results
against a nursing home for the choking death of a resident
against an assisted living facility for injury and wrongful death of a resident
against a Middlesex County nursing home for a resident’s pressure ulcers and wrongful death
settlement for workers with mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis caused by asbestos in the workplace